With its clouds of flowers in brilliant “hot” colours you may be forgiven for thinking the magnificent blooming bougainvillea plant is too exotic to be grown successfully in the UK without a great deal of fuss and bother.
In fact, this delightful plant is not only vibrant but versatile – our family has been cultivating them since we established our dedicated bougainvillea nursery in the 1940s, and today we have more than 200 varieties flourishing in our two-acre Wiltshire nursery.
We have a 200-year-old bougainvillea in Bonsai form on display – something of a record even for these remarkable plants that have a lifespan of around 50 years.
We welcome bougainvillea enthusiasts to visit us in Bradford-on-Avon to admire and buy our beautiful plants, or you can just click through to our online shop and browse through our extensive selection of bougainvillea. Making a choice is difficult when faced with so many beauteous blooms; why not start a collection of your favourites?